August 17, 2008
I spent the morning after thinking about why is my uni life so bad? Or why am I feeling that it sucks!

What I am worrying about?

1. Money. Buying books, traveling, eating good food, tuition fees... Even going out needs money. It is not like last time, you can drop everything and just walk to Sheng Sheong. Or playground or just walk around. Or McD to get that ice-cream. If I walk to McD now, I would have burnt enough calories equivalent to Big Mac + McFlurry.

2. Whether I can do my projects well. I have no idea how to do!!! I have been staring at it, thinking of an alternative!!! But guess I am not matured enough to think of one.

3. Will I do well in the end of this sem? To get into what I want.

4. When to wash my clothes since the whether is extremely irregular! There is no drier. Even washing the blanket is a problem.

5. What CCA should I join cuz I need the points to stay here, in the hall. Basically, it is a battle for main com! Furthermore, Youth Olympic is coming up! My Hall 10 is affected. As in people will get kicked out to accomodate all these sports people T.T

6. Feels so stuffed. No place to go. Only sh and I. Not like last time. You get to see many many people and do a lot of crap when you are stressed. I do not even see th much.

7. Clothes. I want more shorts. Maybe above knee shorts. I cannot even buy one cuz afraid if I am spending too much money. Not even a magazine!!! Jeans are too hot on certain days and difficult to wash and dry.

I think I can conclude that I am a worrier. I gotta have a life.


posted by ˈtʃokəlitsrbluː at 8:45 AM |