February 29, 2008
since many people are worried about that day, i shall be worried too.

it is not really surprising that i am not worried at this time.

not cuz i can get perfect score... duh. do i look like i am that kind of material?

but cuz well...

1. it is over, just take it! or you can choose to be so worried that you screw up your only holiday after the two years, and still face it.

2. i got stuff to worry about like how to get a bus ticket in such a short time... T.T and when will they announce the date so that i can apply leave from work?!! [ok, maybe some people does not need to worry about this...] and where am i staying?

3. i am still going to uni or college after this. either here or there. there will give me more freedom and less money. here i will have slightly more money but less freedom... hm... but here, i have aSh, reg, cl... and :p but less cute foreign guys... hehe. anyway, in conclusion, i will still continue on with life.

the only thing about taking this result is to know if my a bit of hard work at the last minute paid off [cuz i know there are people out there who are much much more hardworking than me [who comes into your mind? :D], wait, i think everyone else are more hardworking than me, but luckily they influenced me :D before it is too late [i hope...], like the day before a levels or it will be a lesson for me to work harder. T.T

another thing is the course i will be accepted in.

well, why not do your degree here and continue masters there? if you are willing.

ok, this entry is for mediocre like me... so if you are admitting that you have average results like me, you can continue reading, if not, just laugh your head off at how no ambition [is there such word : ambitionless?] and simplistic this lady can be. hehe.

my boss's daughter-in-law told me that there is one of the most expensive country to take a degree programme.

although i have to admit their courses are much wider than here. like you have to take science for a business degree. hm... nicely put, it would be holistic. another way you can say it is kiasu.

cuz there is no point in taking just one sucject on chemistry, right? it is not going to end up anywhere when 98% [random large number, as long as it has the effect :p] of what you study is accounts and the 2% is biology... god knows if you can even become a biology teacher in secondary school.

anyway, about the results... at worst, i would be embarrassing my family and myself if i get bad results. and i cannot say that i sure can get ok results cuz i am quite pantang this kind of thing. you never know... hehe.

and all the people who are watching me so that they can laugh their fat ass out when i fall, go ahead. just make sure your children do not get into a worse situation. cuz that time, i will be laughing my fat bum + thigh + tummy + baby fat out :p

while for people who put so much hope in me, first part of all, you do not know how it is like, you just think it is easy, well, the fact that i slacked so much is partly my fault too, but if i disappointed them, aww... sorry is all i can say. after all, i have nothing to do with you people, why are you so worried about me! give me stress only. but really...

as for my parents, ah, they always say it is ok. so, it is ok :D [pity my parents for having daughter like me :p better shang a char siew than me, at least they can eat char siew :p]

plus i always think that parents who put too much hope in and demand from their children are doing so cuz they themselves cannot achieve it. well, if you cannot, why force your children to walk the path that you wanted to walk on? let them be them. just like they might like art or music... i learnt that from dad; he told me so.

so, for people who are worrying... go ahead, just do not influence me :D


there is more to live. [i hope :p] if not, listen to stacie oricco's song entitled 'there's gotta be more to life'. [although i do not know the lyrics :p]

ps : very addicted to the chinese old songs from the 50's :D

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posted by ˈtʃokəlitsrbluː at 9:55 AM |