photos time. really bored k...

changed my hairstyle. should be able to see from this photo below :p have fringe that covers my forehead. and shorter now. and my both sets of parents sitting down with my uncle's son [he keeps posing like that...] and my uncle in the middle [third from left] while the rests are my cousins. and i am the youngest. haha. so they can go casino de genting while i am stuck in starbucks... both sets of parents cuz [left to right] mama, papa, 2 naughty boys [the dog and him], di, mi :D

had a dream about something long time ago. i do not know how it started. but i remember seeing the blue sky with a lot of plaster at a spot. kinda abstract. that was how we lerant maths... cuz if you see clearly, there were a lot of algebras on the white plaster. it seems that teh sky has a hole. weird. and i wanted to take a photo of it. so that i can take a better look next time and things. but somehow, when i returned to the front of my house, i could not take photos of it at all. somehow i could not see it with my camera. like it was always hidden
some kids are really annoying. they do so slow and sometimes they cry. arghhh! haha. then there are some who do not ask. they just keep quiet expecting me to read their minds? but after a while, you know who needs help and who does not. haha. and there is this cute f1 girl. she so scared to ask me. the very first day, she ask so softly, 'teacher [sounds so weird, right? but everyone calls me that, haha], do you know how to do this? well, i am not offended cuz i might not know. she was doing complicated algebra. it was simple but put in a complicated way, like instead of just x, they put (x + 2y) + z sort of stuff. luckily i know how to do :p another day a student from an even higher level asked me something else, i got so freaked out. really. but in the end, luckily my guess was correct on how to do. something about logarithm. but i still had to check the solution book in order to ensure it :p useless teacher. haha. some younger ones just never listen! so angry. and they purposely make you angry. when there are many students, you really work like crazy but when there is no students, not prime time, you get so bored that you are scared of being fired. there is this p3 boy also very funny cuz everytime he comes he needs to do a lot, a lot of corrections. and his + - always mixed up. and he told me, 'i hate myself' while pointing to 4+4 = 0. haha. very funny boy. sometimes, you can get pretty angry when you are rushing to mark their homework and when you open the page, it is blank, ie. they never complete. very annoying to mark work like that. plus, when the handwriting... when i am in a bad mood, i will just put a ? so that they have to do corrections. or put a redo mark. can feel how sh feels when she marks :p
other than work.
i like this titbits that has 99 sort of beans. i think it is super unhealthy but i am so addicted to it!!! i think i can spend my whole salary on that! and i want to eat italiannies! the previous time ate with ash. the crème brulée [burnt cream] was nice :D although a little too much. haha. must find someone to treat me :D maybe i will treat my family once i get my salary from kumon. haha. but not sure if they can eat...
my salary from the ice cream shop still have not come yet! feels like they are cheating me. i have been there twice and she keeps on telling me later! i am quite anoyed. this time she says feb. so i can't wait! i want new clothes!!! haha. i hope the sale is still on! arghh! found a very nice shoe. it is a round-toe kinda shoe. very nice. rm180. no discount. great.
gonna get a week off from work for cny. that is about 200 worth of loss in my salary! must get back as much 'ang pau's!!! genting with my family and another family. and my dog too. he never get car sick. just a little afraid at first. he did not even want to come out of the cage. haha. but i guess he played quite a lot with my cousins.
went to a cousins wedding. found out that another cousin had a scholarship to study in australia, electrical engineering. and his younger brother got a scolarship from the government to study psychology in canada. damn! i wonder if he have gotten jpa. walau eh. and he is younger than me! i think 18 only la. stress...
finished watching two animes. dears and aishiteruze baby. the latter was quite nice. i like :D although at first the i thought that the drawing was a little different from normal anime. really. but after a while, the drawing is quite nice. dears is a little chobits type. like aliens, wait, i meant pretty and sexy female aliens [there are guys also but look like girls] stranded on earth and made friends with earthlings and as usual, the main character is as usual, a teenage guy, who was anti-aliens. he met the alien and she stayed with him. got a little 18sx. haha.
aishiteruze baby was about a kid left by her mom due to low self-confidence after her hubby died. and again, a teenage flirt was assigned by his family to take care of his little cousin. and he sort of become more responsible and motherly like. but it gets quite annoying when the kid keeps crying! arghh!!! but the guy does not scold her.
mahoraba heartful days NICE! haha. about this landlord lady who has multiple personalities. very funny.
oh ya, shinigami no ballad is also nice. a very short anime about the importance of life.
that reminds me of jigoku shoujo [hell girl]. not nice! really. well, it is nice but a little sick cuz it is about people who are trying to take revenge to people who bullies them. scared to watch at night. haha.
and yume tsukai. also not as interesting but i think i will finish it soon. about two girls who help people with nightmares and unsolved problems which turns into nightmares.
and tsukuyomi. at first was not bad until i have to keep fast forwarding cuz it is too slow and a little too lovey dovey. not the action kind but the cry and cry lovey dovey, almost like those drama. reminds me of how mc watches anime. fast forward all the time. even heroes! or her taiwan drama series! haha.
currently, i am trying to find the complete series of tsubasa chronicle. nice. but stuck halfway cuz cannot watch! arghh!!! at the most important part! haha. but the whole anime is like that. ends with a cliff hanger, making me want to watch it even more. arghh! luckily cl has! haha.
so bored nowadays that i rewatch fruit basket and ouran host club.
wonder what i am going to do once i finished all the animes. sigh.
i want to watch loveless, love hina, mai hime, magic users club and noir!
been listening to the radio since the workplace sometimes turn the radio on during marking days. liked the westlife song, home. maybe cuz the radio station keeps drilling the song into my head. and bleeding love by leona lewis.
hope somebody will tell me when the results coming out! sm, mc and sh, i depend on you! :D hope you read this... haha. but when you apply in uni there, do you need to bring your certs or whatever, photo and stuff? how?!! need sleeping bag, luckily bl got! but how can the guys allow the girls to sleep in the living room... [hint hint :p]
next up, guess what is this?
looks nice. different tones of orange.
it is actually leftover rice. three days. forgotten about it and saw it when we came back from genting. haha.
Labels: Photography
1. the 99 beans biscuit are given free my aunt's wanna come visit me?
2. EWWWWWW....left-over rice?! though i must admit the colour's was the smell??