March 16, 2009
You are most compatible with LEO! I'm sure most of your friends are Leos! Together you're going to rock! Proud, fiery and determined, the subjects of this cat sign are always a bit larger than life. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident! There is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Leos love to be noticed, admired, and adored. Extremely lazy and good-natured, it is often quite difficult for Leos to make an effort to assert themselves. Leos are loyal, likable, and often quite lovely people, but they can also be self-indulgent, stubborn, and prone to sulking if they don't get their own way.They are warm, demonstrative, and theatrical and love pageantry, blitz and glamour. They love adornment of their physical self. When Leos commit themselves to something they go with it for life.

Now I know why my whole family are Leos.

posted by ˈtʃokəlitsrbluː at 11:59 PM |