End of exam, tralalalala lala lala.
Next exam in April T.T
Anyway, been around watching 3 movies in 2 days :) So rich right? Gonna eat cup noddle from now on.
Movie 1

Japanese animation. About military life and children who cannot grow up to be adult, hence cannot die unless if they are killed in war and they are the pilots in the war between two companies.
It is a very philosophical movie. I like this line, 'People must die, there must be losses, the figures must be there to remind people of how important peace is.' Something like that. That is a good one. And also the struggle of these genetically modified people when they realised that their memories are going to be wiped out when they die and they are going to return as new children with the same skills they have.
Love the soundtrack.
Movie 2

It is so unlikely that I will miss this since I love Shrek 1, 2, 3 and Madagascar 1. I think they are quite similar ;p
Verdict: Not so good. It is not as nice as the first one. Less funny and basically, nothing much although ya, you laugh a little. Moto moto is not as funny as I thought it would be, maybe cuz I heard it too many times that I got bored even before I watch the movie. Penguins and monkeys are cool. Haha. And the old granny, not funny. And King Julian (is it?), not funny.
And the cinema is full of kids, who I think do not understand anything at all. Just there to see animals. And there was this mom and son speaking malay next to me and I cannot help but eavesdropping before the movie started ;p
Son: Mana madagascar?
Mom: Sedang pakai make-up.
Son: Mana ada. Madagascar tak pakai make-up, cuma mama yang pakai make-up.
Cute~ Haha. And the woman offered me her popcorn too. Sweet. But I never eat la.
Movie 3

I like it. It is not bad. Complicated but not bad. They are not exactly strangers, some knew each other before and all four of them never exactly met at the same time in the same place eating the same carrot cake. A little touching at the end. Until now, I am still not sure what the whole movie is about. I mean is it escaping Singapore once in a while during holidays? Or is it cherish the people around you? Or is it you have to relax and life does not have to always be planned ahead cuz you cannot plan it? But I still like the movie. Love the soundtrack too.
But mind you, it is Cinema Europa, meaning ticket is $10, no matter what. Eventhough I am the only one sitting in the middle at the back row. I think there are only 8 people in the whole theatre. Nice :) Luckily, it is not horror movie :)
I decided that I like watching movie in cinema alone :) Nice. Oh, and popcorns sucks.
Next exam in April T.T
Anyway, been around watching 3 movies in 2 days :) So rich right? Gonna eat cup noddle from now on.
Movie 1
Japanese animation. About military life and children who cannot grow up to be adult, hence cannot die unless if they are killed in war and they are the pilots in the war between two companies.
It is a very philosophical movie. I like this line, 'People must die, there must be losses, the figures must be there to remind people of how important peace is.' Something like that. That is a good one. And also the struggle of these genetically modified people when they realised that their memories are going to be wiped out when they die and they are going to return as new children with the same skills they have.
Love the soundtrack.
Movie 2

It is so unlikely that I will miss this since I love Shrek 1, 2, 3 and Madagascar 1. I think they are quite similar ;p
Verdict: Not so good. It is not as nice as the first one. Less funny and basically, nothing much although ya, you laugh a little. Moto moto is not as funny as I thought it would be, maybe cuz I heard it too many times that I got bored even before I watch the movie. Penguins and monkeys are cool. Haha. And the old granny, not funny. And King Julian (is it?), not funny.
And the cinema is full of kids, who I think do not understand anything at all. Just there to see animals. And there was this mom and son speaking malay next to me and I cannot help but eavesdropping before the movie started ;p
Son: Mana madagascar?
Mom: Sedang pakai make-up.
Son: Mana ada. Madagascar tak pakai make-up, cuma mama yang pakai make-up.
Cute~ Haha. And the woman offered me her popcorn too. Sweet. But I never eat la.
Movie 3

I like it. It is not bad. Complicated but not bad. They are not exactly strangers, some knew each other before and all four of them never exactly met at the same time in the same place eating the same carrot cake. A little touching at the end. Until now, I am still not sure what the whole movie is about. I mean is it escaping Singapore once in a while during holidays? Or is it cherish the people around you? Or is it you have to relax and life does not have to always be planned ahead cuz you cannot plan it? But I still like the movie. Love the soundtrack too.
But mind you, it is Cinema Europa, meaning ticket is $10, no matter what. Eventhough I am the only one sitting in the middle at the back row. I think there are only 8 people in the whole theatre. Nice :) Luckily, it is not horror movie :)
I decided that I like watching movie in cinema alone :) Nice. Oh, and popcorns sucks.
Labels: Movie