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INFPs are very sensitive beings, and oftentimes the social scene feels extremely repressive and painful for them. They want very much to be accepted and cared for, but sometimes they become so uncomfortable that they become very nervous and feel completely out of place.
Many try to express feelings of sadness and helplessness to those close to them for support. For lovers, they often look for outgoing, strong,caring people who can help them feel a part of things and who they can give their love.
Because the INFP tends to extrovert their iNtuition (they can reveal out loud the possibilities that they are imagining when they imagine them) to the world yet at the same time introvert their feeling decision-making (not reveal the values and processes they really hold), they can seem to others that the possibilities they suggest are really decisions. Because they say things (possibilities) they don't necessarily believe, it is crucial to verify with them if some of their statements are truly decisions or judgements.
In order to help the INFP feel good about themselves, it is necessary to tell them verbally that you care about them. They need a great deal of positive affirmation and can become very self-conscious and insecure and lost without it. Some say that they 'can't do anything right' and feel very depressed amd lonely.
In conflict, keep in mind that, if pressured, the INFP may try to change the subject and escape. It is best to treat them very gently and lightly discuss the subject at hand without seeming angry or upset with them. When they feel very cornered, their usually sweet exterior rapidly changes and they begin to lash out.
Do not take this behaviour harshly, for this happens only under very rare circumstances and when the INFP feels they have no other choice. If they feel they have shared their feelings in a kind and loving environment without being criticized for them, they often feel quite content and calm.
INFPs love to work behind-the-scenes and support the group. If they feel they are appreciated for their hard, considerate work, they often enjoy themselves immensely. Because they are often socially unsure, many find jobs they can do from home.
Idealists are the Diplomats. They spend their whole lives searching for their unique identity. The idealist prefers to think abstractly about the future and how issues will affect the people around him. S/he is more focused on the intangibles than the nitty-gritty of daily life, so s/he may appear detached or in another world. Unfortunately for the idealist, gracefulness and body awareness are not his/her natural gift and s/he is more likely than not to be less adept at sports or other activities that require high body awareness. If an idealist is skilled at sports it is most likely to be from training rather than natural ability.
NFs flee from corporate management and gravitate towards helping professions where they can contribute to society and humanity, such as teaching, counseling, politics, and the clergy. Their individualism could lead to careers that focus on personal growth and development, and journalistic work appeals to their idealism and truth-seeking.
NFs are generally good communicators. Idealists can be indirect in speech and use metaphors or analogies to make points. Rather than talking about things in an objective way, they key in more to the reactions that people have to what they are saying and how the topics relate to their own feelings and values. They talk about relationships, values, and intangibles.
The iNtuitive in the idealist makes him less fixed on personal appearance. NFs are unconventional and at times even artsy, and wear clothing that communicates their values, which may lead them to appear more like hippies than court-ready lawyers. If a Judger, the NF will take more care of his appearance than if a Perceiver.
NFs wants to spend time with friends, saving the world....
Gets energized when they are alone with themselves. Enjoys solitary activities such as reading, writing, and daydreaming. Take in information through a "sixth sense" and focus on what could be. Decide by their heart. Prefer values, motivations and feelings. They have a flexible approach towards life.
ps : wait a minute. i thought i was ISTJ or something like that?
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