April 28, 2008

Pillsbury 3-steps pancake is so simple. just add water or milk and then you beat it and cook it. it is really that simple.

somehow, i managed to make mini roti canai or prata out of it :D

this is the most pancake looking pancake. sigh...

ps : this post was meant to be on 20080416. so much for saving drafts.


posted by ˈtʃokəlitsrbluː at 3:08 PM |


At May 3, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Blogger Aurelius said........
Great, at last you have gotten your hands into serious cooking rather than being a finger-poking bystander (though I wonder whether instant pancake can qualify for serious cooking).
For the most enriching pancake-dining experience, eat it with maple syrup. Yummy!