my second tremor experience. this morning. 0750? i think. was thinking who was shaking so much that my whole bed shake even more. although i thought dt was erasing so hard and for so long. some paper or pencil or eraser she got there...
the first time was in school. during class and i thought i did not have enough sleep cuz everything is starting to move and i cannot exactly sleep in class!!! the teacher will kill me!
results : both time gave me headaches. real bad.
but it got me thinking in the morning and also at that time, if i made such a big fuss about getting dizzy and everything, what happens there? it is quite scary. while we live in our own sweet place worrying about some stupid math test [and all the other subjects included], people are dying there. like buildings collapsing and maybe the earth is just breaking. [i always have this imagination that the ground opens and some people falls in and then it closes again, it is like you are being buried alive... although never really seen it before]
and while some people are glad to be released from school, some are dying cuz of that. sigh...
how vulnerable we are. even with lots of money and education. well, unless you shift to some supposedly safe area but that is also not true! look at the 'safe' places that felt the tremor. i think in some-double-digit-figure time, we will experience earthquake too.
glad i am born early. well, at least earlier :p
but cannot find much info from the news website. wth. except from only if you are interested...
ps : got my girl who leapt through the time from sm, but no subs! T.T math is a killer paper. but i am the only one who felt so. damn!

mona lisa smile is nice. not bad. gives you an insight on how hard life was back in the 1950s for women. study just to work and please your husband. like making your husband, if he is dumb, to look smart by doing everything for him and in the end, said that he came up with the idea and did everything! and keeping quiet if he is cheating on you. so, movie was not bad. with some history of arts in it. but not much of mona lisa's smile. although i would love to know more! :D

finished the book. not bad. very weird. but not bad. about how a person can be back in time when his other self is also in the same time at different places or even same places. and how dangerous it could be and at the same time life saving! :D the ending is just painful but also touching...
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