woke up early and could not sleep. i am easily woken up now. sigh... especially the stupid door. freaking noisy! blog while waiting for laundry :p
check out sarah mclachlan's angel! nice! that's the slide show's song!
i can't wait for heroes ep 22! watched 21 and it was like omg! haha. but nobody has! damn!
SPOILERS AHEAD! do not read if you have not watch ep 18 onwards!
i think heroes 18's ending was the best. the part sylar and peter! omg! but damn sad that isaac died! wth! he is the cutest! haha. and now everything is so interconnected and screwed up. omg! i want ep 22!! now i am looking for spoilers for ep 22! i can't wait to find the review. haha. ep 20 was great also. the future is even worse! haha.
i don't understand why people are so fussy about spoilers. it's like they must watch it themselves and in the end, they take such a long time to watch it just to find out what happened. it does not really make any difference cuz well, for me if i know something is going to happen, most likely i will forget about it when i am watching. seriously... unless it is like a freaking thick book like harry potter. i rather people spoil it for me than making myself read that thick book! [actually, i still have not read the sixth book until now, it's too thick! T.T]
but maybe some people like to take it slow while i prefer knowing what is going to happen. haha. cuz then i won't be so shocked when it really happens.
i watched the ending of honey and clover II a few weeks back. [yea, i have got no idea why i suddenly thought of it] i don't like the ending cuz it makes me think that hagu is not really nice. she actually choose the teacher cuz he can help her although she likes morita! [i love morita senpai!! :p] and the teacher aka cousin [forgot his name] is so old!!! sigh... disappointing ending. honey and clover I is much nicer. haha. unless i interpreted the ending incorrectly... cuz the ending is really complicated... T.T

was watching ouran host club also but i stopped halfway. cannot remember which episode. sigh... i love hikaru! haha. and honey senpai! sigh... although i finished watching the entire series i wanted to watch again... the ending was so-so. a little weird but... never mind, at least it it better than honey and clover II...
omg, forgotten that i am watching fruit basket! T.T i don't even remember which episode... sigh... but no more anime after fruit basket... need recommendation :p
and finished beautiful life. it is a japanese drama series that i watched in form 1. it is the best drama! about love but nice la... haha. ending also not bad. just that the girl died. if she does not die then it's not realistic like those animes anymore... [ok, i am a sadist]
ps : i still hate the internet here! X(
and i still love giraffe! :p
sis likes big foot's feet! haha. but i don't know if i still like it... [huh?]
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