July 14, 2007
currently loving : daruma (達磨)! haha. actually liked it for a long long time. i bet nobody knows. haha. anyway, these dolls are so cute.

noticed the one eye doll? it seems that you are supposed to paint one of the eyes when you make a wish. and if your wish comes true, paint the other.

most of them come in red [at least, the ones i see in google...]. not really nice but i think that is the original colour... the white one is nicer. check out the flowery daruma :D

it is so difficult to find this thing. plus, me being so fussy makes it harder. in fact, the more i look at it, the scarier it is. except for the cuter ones... haha. have been looking for the name for so long! only know the name in chinese... good, now can search for cute and small ones! :D

ps: i did not know that lions eat water buffalos... really... and i am back to diner dash 2! cannot pass level 40 and my index finger hurts! T.T cuz played the endless shift!

i am still sad k~


posted by ˈtʃokəlitsrbluː at 5:29 PM |